Friday, August 8, 2014

How Scientists Actually Think!

For many years, since my schooldays, I've been little curious about knowing "How Scientists Actually Think!".

Just few days back, I kind of got to a possibility.... that they do not actually think, rather they unleash their mind and let the thoughts come in their mind, and they work on those thoughts to bring tangible conclusions, and they rule out all possibilities that may void their conclusion.

Now I need your help to better understand on whether do they think or they don't !!! Please feel free to provide me your sincere thoughts via comments.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Live your life in WIDESCREEN.

Recently I visited to one of my friend's place and in a conversation I just quoted: "Live your life in widescreen". After that I started thinking upon it and here follows my comprehension to my own quote: Live your life in WIDESCREEN.

Initially, I quoted it as for someone who has lots of assets and almost no liability, but then I realized that it would rather be “having life in widescreen” and not “living life in widescreen”, which still can be narrow and particular. So what shall be "living life in widescreen"???

As per my understanding, everyone in this world has 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 52 weeks in a year (and so on...) and it is so definite that it can never be altered to favor or un-favor anyone. In simple words everyone has same amount of time in a day to do whatever she/he wants to and can do. There are certain things everyone has to do to survive and all others are choices. Those choices can be as overwhelming as to fulfill the dreams ever seen or as circumstantial as one would never want to do. Living life in widescreen, to my comprehension, means widening scope of activities* to accommodate all those ones into your life that may contribute to obtaining those dream options that you might have ever wanted to choose; along with living life in a normal mode that involves maintaining health, wealth and relationships with all dignity/integrity associated with these. (*-> activities/thoughts/pursuance)

To illustrate further I'm putting an example (in terms of activities) of a person who goes to work 5/6 days a week and works 8 hours a day. She/he can do the following things on a working day:

• 8 hours of sound sleep.
• 8 hours of dedicated work.
• 1 hour of getting ready for the day.
• 1 hour of commute to and from work.
• 1 hour for lunch + dinner.
• 1 hour of social gathering (via connection, mail, phone, email, chat etc).
• 1 hour for general awareness (news, magazines, journals, etc).
• 1 hour exclusive for family.
• 1 hour for studies/experiments to enhance career.
• 1 hour for relaxation/entertainment/exercise.
• 1 hour for the particular one that may contribute to fulfill the dreams/ambitions.

*Noticeably, all above numbers add to 25 hours instead of 24 in a day. I’ve put it this way so that one can choose any eight of nine available 1 hour options depending upon her/his priorities, convenience and motivations.

On a similar note, one can arrange her/his holidays as following:
• 8 hours of sound sleep.
• 1 hour of getting ready for the day.
• 1 hour for lunch + dinner.
• 3 hours of social gathering (via meets, mails, emails, phone, chat etc).
• 1 hour for general awareness (news, magazines, journals, etc).
• 3 hours exclusive for family.
• 2 hours of volunteering / helping others (people around, community, society, friends, relatives, etc).
• 2 hours for the particular one that may contribute to fulfill the dreams/ambitions.
• 3 hours for ?*
* There are still three hours left for doing whatever one may or would like to do, i.e. contributing to finishing any pending task, planning for future, recreation, entertainment, etc.
This way, I’ve just illustrated my comprehension of “living life in widescreen” in one measurable aspect that is “time”, and for just one particular classification of people… “Office going working class people”, but there can be many number of aspects and also many number of classifications.

I hope I've been able to depict what I understand by the quote: "Live your life in WIDESCREEN". Please feel free to contribute your comments and suggestions on this.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wish to happiness!!!

Almost everyone wishes for happiness. But there are quite a few who walk through the path that leads to happiness. Happiness is always relative and is never absolute, and that is why many poorer are happier than richer; many handicapped are happier than healthier; many so called unsuccessful are happier than so called successful.

As per my analysis and experience, the path to happiness starts from wish!... yes, just a "Wish". When a wish is properly planned, it becomes a "Goal". When a goal is attained, it becomes "Achievement". When an achievement gets enough recognition/publishment, it becomes "Success". And when a success is shared with family, friends and others then only it becomes "Happiness".

Below is the formula that depicts the milestones of happiness in bold.

Wish + Plan => Goal + Attainment => Achievement + Recognition => Success + Sharing => Happiness.

The orange parts are the ones where one utilizes the intelligence, knowledge, connections and all possible resources.

I hope my analysis would help few strugglers who are pursuing Happiness.
Please feel free to put upon your comments on this. Your sincere comments are highly valued and appreciated.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Help or Interfere!

There is a very thin line between help and interfere that usually is unrealized and causes big damages in relationship. Both helping and interfering can be intended for good (or maybe for bad too....) but yet both can yield very opposite impact on faith and confidence in a relationship.

Helping is making options available and letting the person in need to choose from those options. Interfering is choosing option for the person in need and then applying that option for her / him.

There is a lot to write on this but at this point I'm stopping and will continue appending on this soon.